Thursday, February 22, 2007

My Superhero

Most of the time when asking a question like, "Who's your superhero?" people will respond with "oh, my mom" or "oh, my dad" or even "oh, my sibling". It's truly amazing how we tend to complain about the ones that are closest to us in our lives because of our blood bond, but how much we look up to them at the exact same time. Well yes my parents and my brother are my superheros but other influences I have had are from characters in books. I am a 'bookworm' as some people say because I love to read. There's no shorter or denser explanation than that.

Recently, I just read a series called 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU by Meg Cabot. People probably know Meg Cabot from her Princess Diaries series, but this series means a lot to me. In this series, the main character is a girl named Jess. She is 5', a slight social outcast, and some people would even call her a bully. She only has one friend, Ruth who is probably the only person that likes her in the school. It's not exactly her fault that she can't handle her own temper, plus what would you do if others teased you about your suicidal brother? It's out of pure concern and care. She just doesn't want anyone making mean comments about him (especially when she's around), and the only way for them to learn, she's concluded, is to 'knock' some sense into them. One day she gets this amazing ability after being striked by lightning - she is able to find missing children. Jess doesn't find out about her ability at first until the next day when she's looking at a milk carton and realizes she knows who the kid on the back of the carton is, and where she can find him. Throughout the book series amazing events happen and the books get really intense and exciting, but not only because of her powers, it's just her personality.

I guess I should thank Meg Cabot for creating Jess, because I really look up to her. It's not good to beat up people or anything, but the way she handles everything without being a girly girl about it and crying, she is very courageous and strong. She deals with her own problems and doesn't want anyone to take her side - she fights her battles on her own.

Even if her brother did try to kill herself, she treats her brother like how she would treat a 'normal' brother and that makes him feel accepted. Jess doesn't try to be anyone but herself and won't change herself even if it means having only one best friend at school and not having too much of a regular social life.

At one point of the book, the CIA actually comes looking for Jess Mastriani asking her to work with them so they can find criminals and missing children. She refuses to do it because one kid that she had found, actually didn't want to be found and had been kidnapped by his own mother by his own will so that he didn't have to live with his father. She had spent time asking herself, "What if this happens over and over and over again? What if I actually capture innocent people who have to die or be punished for a crime they did not even start and had been framed?" This thought made her realize that she should just leave it to the professionals. To get the CIA off her back she gives them the names and locations of the criminals and missing children who are already dead. That way no harm comes to anybody and the CIA can clear their list of some names. I really admired Jess Mastriani for this because she's not thinking about what's going to benefit her (the CIA would've paid her), but the fate of others that she might've captured. It shows a soft side of Jess and how considerate she can be. Even with this 'magical' power, she wants to go on living the way she has, not popular, not anything, just herself.

Although her life isn't completely normal after she gets her new ability, she tries her best to keep a low profile. Even if being on the CNN and other news channels didn't help that much. When she suddenly gets popularity status at her school, she stays friends with the one close friend that was there for her even when she wasn't popular. She stays true to the ones that have always been there for her and doesn't go off flaunting her new powers. She doesn't even want any popularity of any sort, she just wants to be normal - or close to normal that is.

Witty, strong, caring, cautious, and intelligent are all the qualities that Jess Mastriani possesses and which I admire. She's never unsure about anything that she believes and always stands tall. She has the true makings of a great leader.

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