Monday, May 7, 2007

Act 2 - Hermia (ACTION!)

In Act 1, I learned a lot about how disobedient and stubborn Hermia is and her reasons for why she doesn't listen to her father. Act 2 however expresses more about the type of person that Hermia is.
To recap on what's happened in the end of Act 1 that lead into Act 2, Hermia and Lysander have run off to the forest to be wed at Lysander's aunt's house. Since Hermia's father will not let her marry her beloved Lysander her only choice was to run away. Before she had left Helena had come to visit her and Hermia explained that she was running away with Lysander. Being the jealous one and thinking that she will get affection from Demetrius, Helena tells Demetrius what had happened and so Demetrius and Helena follow Lysander and Hermia into the woods.
Night had fallen when Lysander and Hermia decide to rest. Lysander suggests that they sleep together, but Hermia says that it's better for them to sleep away from each other during that time -- she takes responsibility into her own hands and makes her own decisions. Just from that short and simple discussion that Lysander and Hermia had, I realized that Hermia would probably the superior one in their relationship. She would be the type to make sure that Lysander knows where his priorities are with her. Although Hermia had only seemed to be defiant to her father, she would be the same person with Lysander if he disrespected her or hurt her in some way. Hermia appeals to me as a person that stands for her own rights and wouldn't let a man (even if she loves him) take over who she is or let them change her in any bad way.
When they fall asleep Puck, a servant of the King Oberon, had been given orders to put a special type of flower juice on an Athenians eyes. King Oberon had witnessed the way that Demetrius treated Helena and he wanted him to put the juice on Demetrius to make him fall in love with Helena. Unfortunately, King Oberon hadn't described the Athenian very well, because Lysander was also an Athenian. Not knowing what trouble he was about to cause, Puck annointed the eyes of Lysander with the flower's nectar. Lysander is awakened by Helena and immediately he falls in love with her under the spell of the flower. He leaves Hermia, who is still sleeping, and chases Helena telling her how beautiful she is and how he wants her as her own
Act 2 ends with Hermia waking and realizing that Lysander has left her all alone. Her strong-minded and confident personality comes out again as she declares that she will find him wherever he is even if she is risking her life out in the woods.
"Either death or you I'll find immediately" (65). -Hermia

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